Akili Bomba was started in 2020 by Felix Kokonya after having witnessed a never ending series of downward mental spirals of friends, family and neighbours before succumbing to it himself. Mental breakdowns that sometimes ended up in suicides and/or drug abuse.
After having successfully self rehabilitated with the support of family, Felix came to the realization that his own success story could be replicated to reach the same individuals in his community of Kibra who were the same friends that he used to hang around and indulge in drug abuse and petty crime.
Felix then trained as a councillor in order to specialize in mental health issues in his community of Kibra and began reaching out to friends and family to share his experiences. He soon found out that many of his peers had survived similar struggles.
After deciding to come together as survivors of mental health issues with a passion to rescue their community from a miss-understood medical condition, Akili Bomba was formed. Other members later joined in to offer their expertise and experience to this worthy cause and aid the community in tackling this issue.