Volunteer with us!

There are so many opportunities to Inspire all who battle Mental illness to reclaim their lives. Make a difference! Sign up to join us!

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We need your help to make these programs happen!

Outreach Programs

Outreach Programs

Akili Bomba engages  members, beneficiaries and clients in therapy sessions with a difference.

We need volunteers to help setup chairs and coordinate group therapy session. Volunteers will work with trained professionals.

Community Mental Health Awareness

Community Mental Health Awareness

We offer sensitization programs around Kibra on matters mental health.

We need volunteers to help organize activities, distribute Education, Information & Communication materials, setup stage for art etc. Volunteers will work with trained professionals.

Institutional Mental Health Awareness

Institutional Mental Health Awareness

Students lives are connected to their emotional, mental and physical well-being.

We need volunteers to help setup chairs and facilitate life Skill classes. Volunteers will work with trained professionals.

Poverty Reduction Programs (Uradi Kwa Vijana)

Poverty Reduction Programs (Uradi Kwa Vijana)

Poverty plays a key part in the fight against mental health related issues in Kibra.

We need volunteers to help train beneficiaries, members and clients on Income generating activities (IGAs). Volunteers will work with trained professionals.


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