Students lives are connected to their emotional, mental and physical well-being.
As an organization dealing in mental health wellness we see the importance of dissemination of psycho education information. This has led us to adopt a holistic approach that triangulates between the students ,parents & teachers as we create awareness, monitor and evaluate the mental health well-being of the students.
We offer life skills lessons in addition to ways and methods of tackling Drugs and substance abuse, averting incidents of GBV, dealing with abuse trauma and HIV & AIDS awareness and sensitization.We also engage educational institutions to sensitize the students on the dangers associated with alcohol, drugs and substance abuse.
The lessons are in corporated within the regular timetable of the institutions.
Akili Bomba engages members, beneficiaries and clients in therapy sessions with a difference.
DetailsWe offer sensitization programs around Kibra on matters mental health.
DetailsPoverty plays a key part in the fight against mental health related issues in Kibra.